So... Let me tell you about my week, last week... I was already to write a post on Thursday, and I got a call from Alex that he was supposed to be out of town for a depo (in a town about an hour and a half away). Apparently , he had forgotten and ended up having to do it by phone. Ok... No bigs... We had an exterminator coming to spray for ants, anyway. Doing the depo by phone meant he could deal with the exterminator. We are having an ant issue. The exterminator said that due to the mild winter, ants are everywhere!

As I am starting to type on my computer, the nanny started yelling frantically. Sewage was pouring out of the toilet and pooling in the shower in the bathroom on the mail level of the house. YUCK!!!!!! At this point we needed a plumber too! Fun times! Fortunately, the plumber was able to fix the problem and we got the house put back in order. Oh yeah, the exterminator came sprayed for ants, and sprayed for mosquitoes. Having them spray for mosquitoes was the BEST THING EVER!!!!!! I haven't seen one since he sprayed.
Oh yeah... Did I mention that the in-laws arrived on Friday, after all of the issues? That meant cooking and cleaning. You know, to minimize the criticism and disapproval. Fun times again, right???? Anyway, between my dental issues, the household issues, cooking, cleaning, and having house guests I am still tired.
It's been a circus around here.
Or has it been a zoo?
I am hoping this week is MUCH less chaotic.