Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some Pink Things

I was trying to figure out my favorite color, this morning. Why was I doing such a silly thing????? To leave a comment on thepioneerwoman.com, because she is giving away a fancy camera and I would really like to win a pink one. DUH!!!!! (I do love her and want to be her BFF.)

Anyway... I started thinking about colors. I was going to say that pink is my fav. Having a 2 year daughter means that pink has consumed my world, BUT pink is not really MY favorite. I love all shades of blue. However, pink really does make the cutest clothes for little girls. So... Then I started looking for cute pink stuff for little girls. Apparently, my mind wanders!!!!!

Here are some things I found:

From http://www.pfiwestern.com

From www.bodenusa.com

Also from www.bodenusa.com

From www.hannaandersson.com

From www.ralphlauren.com

Now here's a warning: after looking for pink toddler stuff, DO NOT search for "pink" on Anthropologie. You will find things like these:

Don't say that I didn't warn you! Maybe pink is my favorite color?????? Maybe tomorrow I will search for blue goods to prove to myself that blue is actually my fav.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pictures from the Zoo

Not that kind of Zoo...

This kind of zoo...

The at home kind of zoo, where your toddler is running through the house with food, being chased by 2-4 dogs.

Or... Said toddler could be applying waterproof mascara in the zoo.

We have a Zebra, as a recent addition:

That is a photo of our Zebra, taken in my car. He was wedged in sideways and hanging over my shoulder. I'm sure that I looked crazy driving around like that, but he was a lonely zebra in a thrift store. How could I not bring him home?

We have toys in our zoo:

A monkey:

A pool filled with balls:

A trampoline:

Dogs (only one, partially visible, shown below):

We have lots of elephants hanging around too. I even brought 2 more home, yesterday. They were in need of a home and missing their tusks, but I think they will live happily in the back yard. Surprising, despite all of the elephants hanging out around here, I don't have any pictures. Oh well...

Happy Friday from My Zoo!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feathers Everywhere

I know that a lot of artists, photographers and bloggers are on the lookout for feathers, especially ones found in nature. I will occasionally stumble across a feather when I'm outside, but I don't really look for them. I mean, we have down filled pillows and cushions all over our house. I see feathers all the time.

However.... This morning was different.. I took the monsters for a walk (that is a reference to 2 of my ill mannered dogs, not my child). I was trying to hurry because I always think that I have a million things to do, most of which are things I create for myself to do. Anyway, I saw a lady in our neighborhood slowly and carefully doing some yard work around her house. Watching her, made me think how nice ti would be to spend the day doing things leisurely and joyfully. Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy certain tasks rather than feeling rushed?????? About that time, I looked up and saw a feather floating down from the sky. It was a perfect, fluffy, white feather falling slowing to the ground. It was set against a beautiful blue sky, surrounded my bright green trees. It really was a breathtaking sight (even for someone cynical like me). It landed softly in someone's front yard, on a bed of fluffy green grass. Then, as I continued to walk, I saw several more small white feathers and picked up a larger striped one. As I was about to turn the corner to come home, I walked under another feather falling from the sky. It was so surprising. I think I'm going to take my feather sightings as a sign that I should slow down a bit and enjoy the ordinary things more.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures while i was one my walk... Because.... Wait for it... I was in a hurry when I left the house and I didn't have any pockets to put my phone or camera. Oh well, maybe next time! (The picture above is one that I took of the sky while I was in the car. I love to take sky pics and Instagram them.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2 Year Old Cuteness

Sassy recently turned 2 (like within the last couple of weeks). And... Like everyone always says, I can't believe how quickly they grow. It really is crazy! Anyway... Yesterday, she told me that she wanted a rainbow. Then, last night, she asked if she could have a kiss and leaned over to kiss me. The cuteness is KILLING me!!!!!! I thought I would share some pics of the recent cuteness.

Putting on mascara:

Just chillin:


Crying on her birthday:

Obsessing over cake at her pool party:

DJ Sassy:

Having a doughnut:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last Week

So... Let me tell you about my week, last week... I was already to write a post on Thursday, and I got a call from Alex that he was supposed to be out of town for a depo (in a town about an hour and a half away). Apparently , he had forgotten and ended up having to do it by phone. Ok... No bigs... We had an exterminator coming to spray for ants, anyway. Doing the depo by phone meant he could deal with the exterminator. We are having an ant issue. The exterminator said that due to the mild winter, ants are everywhere!

As I am starting to type on my computer, the nanny started yelling frantically. Sewage was pouring out of the toilet and pooling in the shower in the bathroom on the mail level of the house. YUCK!!!!!! At this point we needed a plumber too! Fun times! Fortunately, the plumber was able to fix the problem and we got the house put back in order. Oh yeah, the exterminator came sprayed for ants, and sprayed for mosquitoes. Having them spray for mosquitoes was the BEST THING EVER!!!!!! I haven't seen one since he sprayed.

Oh yeah... Did I mention that the in-laws arrived on Friday, after all of the issues? That meant cooking and cleaning. You know, to minimize the criticism and disapproval. Fun times again, right???? Anyway, between my dental issues, the household issues, cooking, cleaning, and having house guests I am still tired.

It's been a circus around here.

Or has it been a zoo?

I am hoping this week is MUCH less chaotic.