I am actually hearing from lots of parents that their children aren't good sleepers. I can totally relate. I'm not sure why so many children don't understand how wonderful sleeping is or how HORRIBLE sleep deprivation can be.
Look at my sweet sleeping baby, when she was an infant:
Isn't she beautiful? Peaceful? Quiet? Content? (look at the chub on her arms and cheeks!)
Ha ha. Let me repeat.... My child hates to sleep. There was a bait and switch somewhere along the way.
Sleep looks more like this now:
This is the "You don't really think I'm going down without a fight" face. So... Sleep involves pushing her in her jogging stroller or driving her around until she falls asleep. Then, Alex has to carry her up to her bed. Did I mention that her room has to be "ready" so she doesn't wake up? I also have to send multiple text messages so we get the timing right, so she doesn't wake up. It's a 2 person operation that involves timing and strategy. It's 2 parents against one of the world's cutest toddlers., just to get her to go to sleep. THEN, we were lucky if she would sleep until 4am without waking up. She will usually wake in the middle of the night and one of us will have to go lay down with her until morning. (We had to put a full size bed in her room, in addition to her crib).
BUT... I am SOOOOOO happy to announce that 4 of the past 7 nights Sassy has slept ALL NIGHT without requiring assistance!!!!!!!! And... I have not had to let her cry it out, which involves screaming bloody murder until she vomits and breaks her crib.
I really hope and pray that this trend continues. Sleep is awesome. Sleep is wonderful. Sleep is great. Sleep is amazing. You get the point. I am somewhat evil when I don't get enough sleep. So, this is a big deal for us. I'm still doing the Snoopy happy dance (with my fingers crossed that the trend continues).
YAY Sleep!!!!
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