Monday, August 6, 2012

Home Again

We are home. Back from our trip to Memphis to visit family.

We didn't drive, we flew (with an almost 2 year old). Sassy did better on the plane than I expected. There wasn't too much screaming & crying. I was afraid that we were going to have one of those toddlers than everyone wanted to throw off the plane. Thankfully, we didn't. She even slept most of the flight home.

Sleep????? That's a funny thing around here. We didn't get to do much of it! We are all sooooooooo tired from the trip. Sassy did not sleep well, at all, while we were gone. This morning she is a nightmare, a total mess. She is exhausted!

Here she is:

Just kidding.... That's a Tasmanian Devil, by the way.

Oh yeah... The pack is home too. Here are three of them in the kitchen, circling like piranhas, waiting for food.

Zoe is not in the picture, because it wouldn't be our pack if they all behaved and cooperated! Anyway... I just wanted to report that I survived the plane trip, and we all made it home safely. Now, we can carry on with our normally abnormal life. I must go now, before I have to hit spell check one more time. Did I mention that I'm tired???????????

Happy Monday!

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