Vintage Sears Hunting Jacket
This hunting jacket is totally something that one of my grandfathers would have had, except they didn't really hunt. Although, my paternal grandfather did go ginseng hunting. That meant that he would tromp through the woods of rural VA and look for ginseng. Sometimes he would use a fancy pick and dig it up to transplant it. They would also try to get the berries to grow.
Anyway... Back to the jacket... The label says Sears Action Rite Sportswear. It is in great shape and has all of the pockets and pouches that a hunter needs. Including a place to hold bullets for a shotgun and a pouch to put you squirrel/rabbit/duck/quail/dove or whatever after you have successfully killed it. I don't think this jacket was ever used for the random slaughter of animals, it's in too good shape for that. The only signs of wear that I found, in or on this jacket, were some crumpled tissues in the pocket. (Kind of gross, but I washed it thoroughly). I found this in a Goodwill Store. I'm not sure if they charged me the jacket price or the winter coat price, but either way it was less than $10.
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