Friday, March 23, 2012

Waiting for Rain

An update to yesterdays umbrella coolness post: I still have not purchased a cool umbrella and it has not rained, yet. The forecast seems to be changing almost hourly. The chance of rain goes up and down. It just needs to rain, like now!

I'm not usually excited for the rain. I have curly hair and the rain makes it frizz, poodle, bush, or some combination of all three. However, it is spring in the south, y'all. Do you know what that means??????

The Azaleas are blooming.

The Snapdragons are snappy.
The Poppies are popping.
The Dogwood trees are blooming.

There are bugs out.

(I saw the huge spider hanging out in the street, while I was on a walk. I DO NOT LIKE SPIDERS!)

So... Everything is lush, green, vibrant & alive! And... Covered in a layer of thick yellow pollen. It's yellow. It's powdery. It's yucky. It's in the air. It's in your hair. It's everywhere!

I think you get the point now! 

We need the rain to come and wash away the pollen! Rain come soon, like now. Thank you! That is all.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Umbrella Coolness

Have you seen these? A clear bubble umbrella? I saw a link to one similar on Andrea Scher's blog. However, this one is from Target (a.k.a. Tarjay). I think this umbrella, with it's fancy silver trim, is much cooler that my colorful one. But... You can also find these clear bubble umbrellas with fun colored trim.

 Like this one:

We are supposed to be expecting rain here, in Atlanta, over the next several days. Maybe it's time to invest in a new umbrella!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Peep

I haven't introduced my little peep, yet.
So... Here she is:
And here:
Isn't she adorable?????? Of course, I think she is! Her initials are S.A.S. So for blog purposes, I will just call her Sassy. In addition to being super duper cute, she is sooooo sassy. The nickname totally fits!

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce her because I'm sure that I will post lots more pics of her in the future. I'm a proud mamma.

Happy Monday from Sassy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Chicken in My Kitchen

I found this silly little chicken, yesterday, at a thrift store. I could not resist it!!!!!! (Have I mentioned that I am TOTALLY obsessed with thrift store shopping????)

This piece is just so funny. In case you can't tell, those are measuring spoons sticking out of his/her rear end. Here's another view:
Anyway, I love this particular find and I think I'm going to keep it around for a while. Oh yeah... It even has the name Dot etched in the bottom. So, IT must be a girl, and her name must be Dot. I think I'm going to really enjoy having Dot hanging out in my kitchen.

I can't wait to find more great junk!!!!! Do you have a favorite thrift store find?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Not Enough Hands

I do not have enough hands. I am beginning to think that I could get more stuff done, if I only had more hands. My To Do List is usually filled with the same things: read more, play more, work more, cook more, exercise (notice I didn't say more), blog, learn Photoshop, use Photoshop, take pictures, check emails, check Facebook, learn how to use the Wacom Pen Tablet (the one that is still in the box, sitting in the corner, shaming me), organize the house... The list goes on... And on...

How do other moms get so much done? Anyway, I am wishing everyone a happy & productive Friday!