Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Many Faces of Defiance

My toddler is SASSY!!!!!! She is sweet and cute, but with attitude. Oh yeah, she's more than a little bit of a drama queen too! I was taking pics of her the other morning to email to my mom, and I got a series of her making faces because she didn't want to listen to me. They crack me up! I had just given her a bath, gotten her dressed, and was trying to persuade her to go downstairs. Here they are:

Yep, she's making faces and ignoring me! Did I mention how cute she is?????

Monday, July 30, 2012

Faux Fried Ice Cream

I have to share a super quick & easy recipe/non-recipe with you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mexican food. And... I love dessert. And... I love ice cream. Therefore, it makes sense that I love fried ice cream. However, I do not love the idea of actually frying a ball of frozen cream in house with 4 dogs and a toddler. I dunno, but it just seems like a bad idea. So... I make ice cream that has the same taste without the frying.

Here's what it looks like:

All you have to do is crush some corn flakes on a plate. I have used plain Corn Flakes and they work just fine, but I prefer the nut and honey kind of cereal with almonds. Anyway, you crush it into fine pieces and put it on a plate. Add at least 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon to the cereal and mix it together.

Take a scoop of ice cream (you can also use fro yo) and roll it into a ball. I use vanilla ice cream but you can use whatever flavor you like. Next, roll the ball of ice cream in the crushed cereal/cinnamon mixture. I like to get lots of the cereal mixture in the ice cream. Once it's coated, you can shape the ice cream ball a little more.

Lastly, you plop the coated ice cream ball on a plate & drizzle with sauce. You can drizzle with chocolate sauce, caramel, or honey. I like to add a blob of whipped cream, because let's face it, whipped cream makes everything better. I added a fresh strawberry because we didn't have any cherries. I think it added some much needed color. Not to mention, once you add a strawberry, it's practically a fruit salad and totally healthy!

Seriously, it is hard to tell the difference in the fried and not fried versions. This stuff is so easy and so tasty. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Smell. A Memory.

My child was up WAAAYYYY too EARLY this morning. I decided since I was up, I would be productive and go for a walk to get some exercise. (Once you become a mother, you have very little time for yourself. But... You still have to worry about the size of your butt. So... You do things like buy a fancy jogging stroller so you can push your child through the neighborhood at a high rate of speed so you can get some exercise and hopefully some peace & quiet.)

It was melt your face off/sweat your a$$ off hot, even before 8am. Past the halfway point of our walk, there was the smell of grass from one of the yards.

It's not just any grass, it's old school grass. You know, the kind of grass that people planted before we had those hybrid grasses that are "drought tolerant". The heat caused the grass (maybe Zoysia) to smell luscious and green. It's a very woodsy, clean smell. Anyway, the smell of that yard, with that grass reminds me of my childhood. It reminds me of summers spent in rural Virginia.

Both sets of grandparents lived in the same tiny town. My brother and I would go from our maternal grandparents house to our paternal grandparents house (and back again). It was only a short walk through the back yard, the neighbors yard, and down the street. I would smell THAT GRASS when we would walk from one house to the other. Those were the days when it was safe to let young kids walk down the street by themselves. You know, back when my brother wore tube socks pulled up to his knees and I had pigtails.

It's funny how a smell or a sound can trigger a memory. The smell of the grass has left me longing for simpler days. I miss the times when I could let other people do the worrying. I miss the days before bills, non-sleeping toddlers, car repairs, career decisions, insane gas prices, out of control unemployment, and...

I would like to take a vacation and go back to that time and place. I would like to have one worry free afternoon bouncing between my grandparents houses during the hot Virginia summer.

Hope Note #5

I read this, today, and it really hit home. So, I thought I would turn it into a hope note.

Friday, July 20, 2012

75+ Years of Dirt

Would you like to see what 75+ plus years of dirt looks like on the underside of a dining table?

Here you go:

Nice, right?????

I bought this table (with 4 chairs):

And this chins cabinet:

And this buffet: (please disregard this strange man who would not get out of the way)

I found them all, last week, at a thrift store (for a steal). I originally intended to sell the china cabinet and buffet, but then I decided to get the table too. We needed a new table in our breakfast room and a nice lady in the store convinced me that it would be a shame to break up the set. Did I mention that it's a set? They are beautiful pieces made by Henry C. Steul & Sons. As best I can tell, Steul & Sons was in business from 1920 until around 1937.

That would make these pieces at least 75 years old. They are in fairly good condition considering their age and the fact that they were unloved enough to end up being donated to a thrift store. Having said that, look what I had to clean off of the bottom of the table:

Yep, that's mold!

Here's another look at the dirt:

It was a disgusting clean up, but I got it done. We put the table and the chine cabinet in the kitchen/breakfast room, and they look great. The table needs a little bit of work. The china cabinet needs a key! It didn't come with a key and I can't open it without one. Ha ha. Anyway... When I make everything look purdy, I will post some update pictures.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hope Note #4

Hope Note #4 is more of a gentle reminder.

I used think that I was fearless. I thought that I would do anything and say anything. In truth, I was not fearless, at all. If I had been, I would have lived my life differently. Now, I believe it is impossible to be fearless. We are human and fear is a part of life. Instead of being fearless, I would like to feel brave. I would like to have the courage to do things in spite of fear. I know when it comes to most decisions and opportunities, I play it safe. I choose the option that leaves me least vulnerable. From now on, I would like to PLAY BIG!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In Which My Child Gave Herself Black Eyes

It has been crazy been around here, recently. I've been shopping, reading, painting, melting wax, cooking eating... I have also been being a mom. I do that better some days than others. Anyway, I haven't had much time to write a blog post, but I have some good ideas. I want to tell you about some fun vintage cookbooks I found, and about melting wax. Right now, though, I'm going to rest.

Here's a fun picture for you to enjoy:

My child gave herself black eyes with a marker, and she thought it was funny. She is actually saying cheese for this picture. She colored her nose too. It looks like she stuck the marker up her nose, but she did not. That mark is on the side of her nose, not up her nose. Oh yeah... Did I mention I was sitting at the table right next to her, but did not see her do it????? OOPS!!!!!! The good news is that Crayola washable markers are SUPER easy to wash off. Yes, it's true! Thank you Crayola for making life easier.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stalking, Painting, & Instagraming

I've been busy. Who am I kidding? I'm always busy. Anyone to tries to work and raise a child/children/dog(s)/man/man is really BUSY. I've been stalking, painting, and Instagraming (also cooking facebooking, tweeting, pinning, shopping, eating, driving, talking, and....). Anyways, I'm a stalker. Well... Not a exactly a stalker. I didn't go stand outside some famous person's house (Anyone know where Robert Downey Jr. lives? Javier Bardem?) nor did I drive by the house of a love interest multiple times, with binoculars. I just politely stalked a woman in a thrift store to get a briefcase. I saw her pick up this FABULOUS vintage briefcase. It was brown leather and I just had to have it. So... I casually followed her around the store for approx. 30 min, until I lost her. She had been wandering around with this bag (it's more of the satchel type of briefcase rather than the hard square kind) dangling from her arm. Then she was gone! I hauled butt to the back of the store where they keep the luggage, and THERE IT WAS!

Isn't it beautiful????? I carefully snatched it off the rack and had to have one of the ladies who works there find the price. It was a whole $3.53! Of course I bought it!!!! When I brought it inside, I left it on the kitchen counter. Alex started inspecting it. Look what he found:

Made in England for Brooks Brothers! How fantastic is that????? I was planning to sell it, but Alex want's to steal it, because he thinks it is nicer than the one her currently has. Hmm... What to do? What to do?

I also spent some time painting, last night. Here's the result:

The Sky Is Falling

In between purchasing the briefcase and painting, I took pictures of the sky. It was cloudy and about to rain. I used Instagram to make one look amazing. 

It looks like there is a hole in the sky. I love Instagram. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Grateful for Small Things

I must admit that it is difficult for me to feel grateful, when time are tough. You know, those times when you have just what you need, but not EVERYTHING you want. Or... When you just don't have an abundance of things like time, energy, help, inspiration... It can be difficult to have a sense of gratitude for the things that you do have.

Towards the end of last week, I was feeling very grateful for some small things. Sassy has recently started sleeping consistently through the night. This has happened over the span of the last couple of weeks, and is a HUGE change for us. She is sleeping 11-12 hours, at night, without waking us up!!!! Life is soooooo much better with sleep.
Here is my sleeping baby:

I am also extremely grateful that the temperatures are gradually getting cooler. It has been melt your face off hot here! Oh yeah... Did I mention that we have a 50% chance (or greater) of rain for the rest of this week?????? When it is melt your face off hot, it is also super dry and crunchy! I am looking forward to cooler temps and rain. Our yards need it. Things are starting to look brown and dusty. Here's what my Weather Channel App says about the weather for the next of couple of days:

I sure hope they are right!

Happy Monday to everyone. I hope your week is filled with many big and small things to be grateful for.

And just to make you smile on a Monday, look what Sassy did:

That is black Crayola marker on her nose and under BOTH eyes!!!!!! She did this to herself in a matter of seconds with me sitting right there next to her!!!!! And... She is saying cheese and smiling for this picture (probably because she is enjoying the fact that I'm freaked out that she just colored her face). I am very grateful that Crayola washable markers are truly washable. The black marks on her pretty little face washed off easily with a wet paper towel (my child will not have go around looking like a football player). 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fab Fourth

We had a great Fourth of July. We are lucky to have a country club just a few miles from our house, and even luckier to be members. The club had a Fourth of July celebration for the members. There was food, music, games, and fireworks. Oh yeah... There were clean, air conditioned bathrooms next to where the fireworks were. (I like my creature comforts y'all. I DO NOT like to rough it).

First, we ate some dinner.

There were many cute little girls in cute little red, white, & blue dresses. Mine was not one of them, unfortunately.

Anyway... After eating we went outside to the golf course to wait for the fireworks. So pretty and peaceful, right?

Ha ha. While we waited, we ran and ran and...

Next, we played in the sand and I turned into one of those moms. You know, the ones who are totally frustrated and screaming. OK... I wasn't really screaming, but I did wonder how many times I could say NOOOOOOO and STOP. There were lots of other children sitting nicely in chairs or on the ground. How do their moms get them to do that?????

Notice that my child is in constant motion. I could not get her to be still, until the fireworks started. Then, she was pretty much terrified and clinging to one of us for dear life.

Finally, we had fireworks and a subdued child. I took LOTS and LOTS of pictures, mostly of the fireworks. 410 that were saved and uploaded, to be exact. Here are some of my favs:

These are just a few. I really love the way some of them came out. I haven't been much of a photographer, but I was digging it last night. It was a wonderful way to spend the Fourth of July.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth Of July

Just a quick note to wish everyone Happy Fourth of July. I hope everyone enjoys the day with food, fun, friends, family, fireworks, and/or anything and everything else that brings you joy.

(I took this photo, yesterday, afternoon with my iPhone. I got the sky just as a storm was coming in. Then, I Instagrammed it. I love the blues and the light.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Painting

I stole a little time for myself, this morning, to paint. I'm pretty sure that I will not have much of a chance to paint over the next 48 hours (with July 4 happening tomorrow) or this weekend. So, I worked quickly and here's what I came up with:

I'm still debating about what to name it. I'm thinking either "On The Farm" or "Chicken and Caterpillar". Once again, it took on a life of it's own. I really have no idea where the images come from.

Happy 3rd of July!

Monday, July 2, 2012

More Sleep

My child doesn't like to sleep. Or maybe she isn't good at it. Is that possible??????

I am actually hearing from lots of parents that their children aren't good sleepers. I can totally relate. I'm not sure why so many children don't understand how wonderful sleeping is or how HORRIBLE sleep deprivation can be.

Look at my sweet sleeping baby, when she was an infant:

Isn't she beautiful? Peaceful? Quiet? Content? (look at the chub on her arms and cheeks!)

Ha ha. Let me repeat.... My child hates to sleep. There was a bait and switch somewhere along the way. 

Sleep looks more like this now:

This is the "You don't really think I'm going down without a fight" face. So... Sleep involves pushing her in her jogging stroller or driving her around until she falls asleep. Then, Alex has to carry her up to her bed. Did I mention that her room has to be "ready" so she doesn't wake up? I also have to send multiple text messages so we get the timing right, so she doesn't wake up. It's a 2 person operation that involves timing and strategy. It's 2 parents against one of the world's cutest toddlers., just to get her to go to sleep. THEN, we were lucky if she would sleep until 4am without waking up. She will usually wake in the middle of the night and one of us will have to go lay down with her until morning. (We had to put a full size bed in her room, in addition to her crib).

BUT... I am SOOOOOO happy to announce that 4 of the past 7 nights Sassy has slept ALL NIGHT without requiring assistance!!!!!!!! And... I have not had to let her cry it out, which involves screaming bloody murder until she vomits and breaks her crib.

I really hope and pray that this trend continues. Sleep is awesome. Sleep is wonderful. Sleep is great. Sleep is amazing. You get the point. I am somewhat evil when I don't get enough sleep. So, this is a big deal for us. I'm still doing the Snoopy happy dance (with my fingers crossed that the trend continues).

YAY Sleep!!!!