Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Painting

I have started painting again! The recent stress in my life and my love of shopping (retail therapy? - maybe) has diminished my painting mojo. I hadn't painted anything for a while, until this morning.

I'm always so fascinated by how paintings, especially abstract paintings, take on a life of their own. Well... They do for me, anyway.

I started this one with some vomit green paint, just because I wanted to. Then added other colors, randomly, just because I felt like it.

Here it is: (this is the way I painted it)

Here it is turned upside down (or rightside up depending on your perspective):

And... Here it is from farther away & turned every direction: (does that make sense?)

I'm not 100% sure if it's done and I'm not 100 % sure what to name it. But it's mostly done and it feels really good to be painting again. I'm feeling like I need to find some balance with my activities. I'm also trying to get the courage to start trying to sell some artwork. It's tough for me to put myself out there.

Oh yeah... Here are two of my "assistants" doing what they do best. NOTHING!

It would be super fantastic if I could teach them to clean my brushes when I'm finished!!!!! I won't hold my breath. That could be fatal!

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