Friday, December 7, 2012

Dreaming of Cookies

It is a sad sad time for both my waste line and my backside...

I bought this magazine last night:

And... Then... I had dreams about cookies. As if the holiday season isn't already bad enough for packing on pounds, I'm now having dreams about cookies!

I love the America's Test Kitchen publications. They give the recipes, as well as, tons of great information and tips. The info is good for inexperienced cooks, and foodies who just want to learn more. Anyway, I have already looked through this issue and there are several (ok more than just several) recipes that I want to try.

Here's a list of the first 3 recipes I want to try:
1. Poor Man's Toffee
2. Pecan Bars
3. Rocky Road Bars

These are all bar type cookies and I think I'm leaning towards these because they will take less time. Time is an important consideration when you have a toddler! I'm also thinking about how I can tweak the recipes to make them my own. I RARELY use a recipe exactly as it is written. I usually want to make things to suit my/our specific tastes. I can't wait to try some. Hopefully, I will be able to make some time to bake, tonight.

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