Monday, July 9, 2012

Grateful for Small Things

I must admit that it is difficult for me to feel grateful, when time are tough. You know, those times when you have just what you need, but not EVERYTHING you want. Or... When you just don't have an abundance of things like time, energy, help, inspiration... It can be difficult to have a sense of gratitude for the things that you do have.

Towards the end of last week, I was feeling very grateful for some small things. Sassy has recently started sleeping consistently through the night. This has happened over the span of the last couple of weeks, and is a HUGE change for us. She is sleeping 11-12 hours, at night, without waking us up!!!! Life is soooooo much better with sleep.
Here is my sleeping baby:

I am also extremely grateful that the temperatures are gradually getting cooler. It has been melt your face off hot here! Oh yeah... Did I mention that we have a 50% chance (or greater) of rain for the rest of this week?????? When it is melt your face off hot, it is also super dry and crunchy! I am looking forward to cooler temps and rain. Our yards need it. Things are starting to look brown and dusty. Here's what my Weather Channel App says about the weather for the next of couple of days:

I sure hope they are right!

Happy Monday to everyone. I hope your week is filled with many big and small things to be grateful for.

And just to make you smile on a Monday, look what Sassy did:

That is black Crayola marker on her nose and under BOTH eyes!!!!!! She did this to herself in a matter of seconds with me sitting right there next to her!!!!! And... She is saying cheese and smiling for this picture (probably because she is enjoying the fact that I'm freaked out that she just colored her face). I am very grateful that Crayola washable markers are truly washable. The black marks on her pretty little face washed off easily with a wet paper towel (my child will not have go around looking like a football player). 

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